Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Salinas to Austin 4.3

Here are some shots I took Saturday night on S.Congress Ave in Austin.

I enjoy the entire trip every year, but I think the cruising on Congress is my favorite. It brings back good memories of Paso Robles.

I was telling my brother that it was pretty cool that newer rides jump in the mix that don't fit in the Lonestar Round Up, makes the cruising real!

This 62 bubble top sounded and looked like a beast on the street!

The Austin Police were in full force... but know how to handle the crowd. It's good to see the police not over react to a little bit of cruising.

Two Northern California customs that drove all the way to Austin.

A better look at the two customs on S. Congress.

We were doing a little bit of drinking while watching the cruising.. Don't worry we poured in cups and cleaned up after ourselves... and actually picked up a few cans that we didn't drink.

What a fun time... Many thanks to Greg Lazzerini, Jesus Villalobos, Juan Godinez, Jesus Espinoza, "Flat Top" Bob Owens, Jeff Norwell, Neil Candy, Steve Wertheimer and the rest of the Kontinentals, Ryan Cochran, Pee Wee and all the people we met over in Texas!



Brian said...


allthingskool said...

One of these years I am making that long road trip to the Roundup. Great pics as always