here are some photos from Saturday & Sunday at the Round Up & Wellington Texas.
Hope you dig 'em.

This was the Round-Up, I thought this kid's expression was priceless

After the show we had a bite to eat then headed to Congress Ave. (That police lady popped me for open container, but let me go... she said, "If you can put that beer in a cup for me, I don't know it's beer".... now that's Southern Hospitality)

There was already tons of people lining the streets...

I walked upstairs to check out the gallery... and you can see how packed Congress Ave. was

We were having too much fun, and the sun seemed to go down real quick...

Cars were cruising around all night

My buddy Juan wanted me to get a pic of his Chevy in front of the Continental Club.. It was pretty hard.. lots of cars, cops, people getting in the way.. plus I had had a few drinks.

Took a few before the police told me to get out of the street.

Had to take a photo of the Continental Club sign

Big Watcha & Greg

Noah pointing something out... (the pics get worse & worse... haha)

El Jefe's car

Woke up early Sunday morning to pack & get ready to leave Austin for Wellington, snapped a few pics of Rod Powell with Flat Top Bob & Neil the Snowback with the artwork Rod did for them.

A close-up of Neil's little man.

When we got to Wellington (about 7 hr drive) We were greeted by Chabelita..

A last shot before we called it a night.... I can shoot all day & night for a month at Wellington Texas and not get bored... Cool stuff.
I'll post the rest of my trip later...