Monday, January 11, 2010

Visual Mechanics Opening Night

A little late... Story of my life... But here are some photos (by Rod Powell) of the Visual Mechanics Opening Night at Somos Art Gallery.. The show will be taken down at the end of this month.. If you still haven't seen it hopefully you get a chance to check it out...

Here are the artists from left to right.. Me, Randy Garcia, Rod Powell & Jesus Espinoza.

The crowd watching Randy do his thing

A couple of the bikes and Raul's Caddy outside.

Some of Rod Powell's work.

More of Rod Powell's work

The Watchas were in attendance.

One of my favorite pieces of the night... by Rod Powell

Me and My carnal with some of our photography.

Randy Garcia collaborated with Ed Padilla on this door that night..

Overall I had a great time! Most of the night I was outside hanging with my friends. I'm still a little shy when it comes to being in an art show... Its good to hear people admiring and complimenting your stuff but I think it's a little overwhelming for me. I rather talk to one person at a time and get an honest critique than talk to a group of people.. that's just me.


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